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Atlanta City Detention Center

Atlanta City Detention Center

Atlanta City Detention Center

The Atlanta City Detention Center is a secure facility that accommodates primarily adult inmates. The facility is designed to protect inmates against sexual abuse and exploitation, as well as provide mental health services.

Interviews with inmates and staff revealed that the facility provides multiple ways for inmates to report sexual assault/abuse or harassment. This includes a PREA Information Card, a phone hotline and a website with contact information.


The security measures at Atlanta City Detention Center are designed to provide safe and secure conditions for staff, prisoners and visitors. This includes a variety of security procedures, including searching inmates, cells and building and ground areas for contraband, conducting fire drills and operating the fire suppression equipment.

The jail is staffed by twenty-two personnel, including a Jail Commander, two sergeants, seven full time and five part time detention deputies, one transport deputy, two cooks and a registered nurse. They are responsible for the safety and security of the facility and ensuring compliance with the policies and procedures of the Georgia Department of Corrections and Columbia County Sheriff’s Office.

They also supervise work/cleanup detail, recreation, religious services and personal hygiene activities. They take and record periodic headcounts of inmates and monitor inmate movements within the facility. They also conduct medical/sick calls, prepare out-processing documentation and release prisoners per established procedures. They also assist in controlling/restraining violent/unruly prisoners and respond to prisoner, employee or facility emergencies.


The Atlanta City Detention Center houses a large number of inmates, including both county and local residents. This facility also serves as a training site for jail officers from throughout the state.

The Detention Center is accredited by the American Correctional Association, a national organization that promotes the professional management of jails through voluntary accreditation. The ACA has developed and implemented rigorous standards for adult local detention facilities.

In addition to providing security, the Detention Center is responsible for assisting inmates with a variety of services and programs. These include housing, food, transportation to court and medical appointments and work detail assignments.

The detention center also operates a LIFE program, which provides counseling and other mental health services to inmates. This program is intended to divert people struggling with addiction and mental health problems from the detention center. It has the potential to save 10,500 bookings a year by diverting them from the Atlanta City Detention Center and Fulton County jail.

Inmate Activities

The Atlanta City Detention Center offers a variety of inmate programs and activities. These programs are designed to mitigate inmate tensions, provide constructive activities and improve the inmate’s attitude toward incarceration.

Medical Services The in-house medical staff provides a full range of health care services to incarcerated inmates, including initial medical screenings and histories, physical exams, and prescription and administering of needed medications. They also work with community agencies to provide alcohol and drug detox, dental, mental health, prenatal and other medical services.


The Detention Center maintains a list of approved Clergy members who may visit inmates in private. These visits will be conducted under the most stringent security conditions, but they can be suspended or delayed during scheduled facility programs and services or if safety or security issues are deemed to be of concern.

Telephones are available for inmates to make calls in their housing area. Telephone time limits will be set by the Jail Administrator based on inmate population and number of telephones available.

Inmate Grievances

Inmates may file grievances with the Detention Center, if they feel that they have been treated unfairly. Grievances must be filed within ten days of the incident.

The Atlanta City Detention Center (ACDC) serves Atlanta, Georgia and surrounding areas. Generally, it houses individuals who have been arrested for violations of local and state law.

These violations can include a variety of offenses such as loitering, panhandling, urban camping, public urination, failure to pay traffic tickets, and more. They can also include state charges such as shoplifting, a misdemeanor, or possession of a drug less than a gram.

As the number of people arrested and jailed in the Atlanta area increases, inmate rights groups are becoming increasingly concerned about jail conditions at ACDC. They are particularly worried about inmate health and safety.